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Business Checking

Get back to work!

You’ve got people counting on you for their livelihoods, costs to contain and never-ending demands on your time. And that’s just at home! These same challenges and more also await you every day at your business. You need as much time as possible to make your company successful — which is why we make managing your business checking easy and convenient. Plus, we offer some great benefits including unlimited account transfers and no fee with and average daily balance.

Visit us today to open your business account.


Business Checking Options

Unlimited transaction and streamlined services.

$10 monthly maintenance fee, waived with an average daily balance of $300 or more1
No transactions limitations
Unlimited account transfers
Unlimited debit card and Pinnacle ATM & COOP transactions 
Unlimited teller transactions
FREE Online and Mobile Banking
FREE Online Bill Pay
PLUS - Employees can join the credit union too!

elite business checking

$50 monthly maintenance fee, waived with an average daily balance of $5000 or more2
No transactions limitations
Unlimited account transfers
Unlimited debit card and Pinnacle ATM & COOP transactions 
Unlimited teller transactions
FREE Online and Mobile Banking
FREE Online Bill Pay
PLUS - Employees can join the credit union too!

Basic and Elite Business Checking Benefits:

Online BankingOnline and Mobile BankingBank from anywhere with online and mobile banking and remote deposit from your smartphone.
Online Bill PayOnline  Bill Pay
Send electronic payments to vendors easily and for FREE! 

Nationwide ATMs30,000 + FEE FREE ATMs

Access your money from any of our fee-free Pinnacle and CO-OP ATMs. 


Guarantee yourself that “Worlds’ Best Boss” mug this upcoming National Boss Appreciation Day — offer Pinnacle as part of your Employee Benefit Package.

Your employees will love all the benefits that come with their FREE membership to Pinnacle Credit Union. They’ll love you, too, for giving it to them. (Okay, maybe “love” is too strong — They’ll grow somewhat fond of you for giving it to them). And, here’s the real kicker: it doesn’t cost your business a cent either!

Plus, we offer free helpful seminars for your employees on issues relating to their finances. It’s another nice little extra for your employees. Heck, you can sit in, too, if you’d like.

Make Pinnacle FCU part of your employee benefit package. Then circle October 16th (National Boss Appreciation Day — like you didn’t know) on your calendar and start practicing your “surprise face” for when your employees present you with your mug in front of everyone.

Contact us today at 732-225-1505 or [email protected].

1 A monthly maintenance fee of $10 will be waived with an average daily balance of $300 or more. Pinnacle FCU is federally insured by the NCUA. Fees may reduce earnings. 2 A monthly maintenance fee of $50 will be waived with an average daily balance of $5,000 or more. Pinnacle FCU is federally insured by the NCUA. Fees may reduce earnings.