Life can be wonderful. But it can also get complicated when the unexpected happens. Protecting your loan balance or loan payment against death, disability or involuntary unemployment could help protect your finances. Protection from LIFE PLUS could cancel your loan balance or payment up to the contract maximums — giving you and your family the financial breathing room it needs should an unfortunate life event affect your income earning.
Purchasing LIFE PLUS protection is voluntary and won’t affect your loan approval. It’s simple to apply. Ask your loan officer about eligibility, conditions, or exclusions.*
IN THE EVENT OF... | Death | Disability | Involuntary Unemployment |
WHAT HAPPENS... | Protected borrower passes away. | A covered disability occurs due to injury or illness. | A covered job loss occurs. |
IT CANCELS THIS... up to the contract maximums |
Your payments or loan balance. | Your loan payments. | Your loan payments. |
YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE IF YOU... | Have an eligible loan.* | Are a permanent employee who is actively working.* | Are a permanent employee who is actively working* Are honorably discharged. |
GAP with Deductible Assistance
Get GAP with Deductible Assistance and don’t let a wrecked vehicle wreck your finances.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is a great way to protect your finances if the value of your vehicle is less than the amount of your car loan. A good rule of thumb is to assume your new vehicle will lose on average 19% the first year you own it, half of which occurs immediately after taking possession.* This leaves a “gap” between what you owe on your loan and the value of your vehicle. In the event of a total loss due to an accident or theft, GAP is designed to cancel the difference between what you owe on your loan and the amount paid by your primary auto insurer. Now you also get Deductible Assistance with your purchase of GAP. Deductible Assistance is designed to cancel part of your debt when a comprehensive or collision claim is paid and a deductible is incurred. This means you’ll have one less expense to worry about if something happens to your vehicle. Call us today to learn more about how you can add GAP with Deductible Assistance to your vehicle loan.