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Volunteer Opportunities

Become a volunteer.

Pinnacle Federal Credit Union is here today because nine people had a vision and banded together with one purpose in mind; to serve their fellow Pathmark employees. What was once called SGC (Supermarkets General Corporate Federal Credit Union) is now called Pinnacle Federal Credit Union.
Credit Unions are not-for-profit cooperatives owned by their members, with a Board of Directors who oversee the operations – not a highly paid group of outside stockholders. This unique philosophy is what sets your credit union apart from other financial institutions and, without a volunteer Board of Directors, we would not be able to provide low-cost services.
Pinnacle’s Board of Directors and Committee Members represent your interests, our member-owners, and work with the management team to improve your financial quality of life.

How to Become a Volunteer?
If you would like to be more involved with your credit union and have a strong desire to help
Pinnacle Federal Credit Union continue to grow and succeed; we encourage you to
apply for a position on a Committee or the Board of Directors.

 Email [email protected] for more details. 
Board of Directors 

Our board comprises a diverse group of individuals throughout all our regions – New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. These individuals are responsible for providing strategic oversight for the organization and CEO.

While a keen financial acumen is desired, there's no specific background or prior experience required – you don't even need to be in the banking industry! A strong board comprises individuals from unique backgrounds, including education, construction, retail, and more. Our members don't fit neatly into one category, and neither should our board members.

Board members are nominated by the appropriate committee or election process and participate in:

  • Monthly Board Meetings (Wednesday evenings – now by video conferencing)
  • Annual Membership Meeting (usually in April)
  • Annual Strategic Planning Session (by mutual consent)
  • Conferences for continuing education (annual)
  • Additional committee meetings as assigned
Contact us today
Supervisory Committee

Our Supervisory Committee is made up of three individuals from throughout our regions. They are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of member accounts and credit union assets. They arrange for independent internal audits, handle verification of member statements, and review internal controls.

Our Supervisory Committee is appointed by our Board and participates in:

  • Monthly committee meetings
  • Conferences for continuing education
contact us today